Welcome to our newest bracket - Best Fictional Athlete Ever! We created a bracket with 64 fictional athletes under the following criteria - they couldn't be based on actual athletes/stories. Each athlete had to be 100% fictional to make the cut.
We then proceeded to rank them as objectively as possible. We ended up showing immense amounts of bias based on which movies we liked better. We are only human, right? This was proved by our disparity in seeding each athlete - for example: Dain, Travis and I ranked Icebox relatively high while Adam ranked her low. I gave Jesus Shuttlesworth a 1 seed, while the rest of the team decided he was more in the range of a double digit seed. Eventually, they evened out and we came up with the bracket below.
We realize that you might not know/remember everyone on the bracket, so we created a short bio for every athlete (we are that committed to you). The bios will be posted at the bottom of this page, underneath the survey. Read them if you need some information, or if you just have time and want to enjoy yourself.
Best Fictional Athlete Bracket
Check out the bracket, and then vote below for your favorite fictional athletes. Simply select one from each matchup using whatever criteria you like (favorite movies, actual athletic ability, etc). Once you have selected one of each pair, scroll to the right within the survey box and select finished. Simple as that!
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